
Global Boosts

  • Max Cape - 10% or Construction cape - 6%

  • Ornate jewellery box - 10% or Basic/Fancy jewellery box - 5%

  • Weekend - 10%

Master clues

  • Achievement diary cape - 10%

  • Kandarin headgear 4 - 6% (Doesn't stack with Achievement diary cape)

  • Music cape - 5%

  • Eternal teleport crystal - 3%

  • Toxic blowpipe - 2%

  • Dragon claws - 1%

Elite clues

  • Achievement diary cape - 10%

  • Kandarin headgear 4 - 7% (Doesn't stack with Achievement diary cape)

  • Fremennik sea boots 4 - 3% (Doesn't stack with Achievement diary cape)

  • Pharaoh's sceptre - 4%

  • Toxic blowpipe - 4%

Hard clues

  • Achievement diary cape - 10%

  • Wilderness sword 3 - 8% (Doesn't stack with Achievement diary cape)

  • Royal seed pod - 6%

  • Eternal teleport crystal - 4%

  • Pharaoh's sceptre - 4%

  • Toxic blowpipe - 4%

Medium clues

  • Ring of the elements - 8%

  • Mounted in PoH: Xeric Talisman - 2%

Easy clues

  • Achievement diary cape - 10%

  • Ring of the elements - 6%

Beginner clues

  • Ring of the elements - 10%



Max cape (combined varients won't work)

/buy name:Max cape

99 all skills

Construction cape

/buy name:Construction cape

99 Construction

Music cape

/buy name:Music cape

See Music cape page for reqs

Jewellery box

Achievement diary cape

/buy name: Achievement diary cape

All elite diarys complete

Kandarin headgear 4

/buy name: Kandarin headgear 4

Kandarin elite diary complete

Fremennik sea boots 4

/buy name: Fremennik sea boots 4

Fremennik elite diary complete

Wilderness sword 3

/buy name: Wilderness sword 3

Wilderness hard diary complete

Eternal teleport crystal

/create name: Eternal teleport crystal

150 QP, 80 Smithing, 80 Crafting. 100 Crystal shard, 1 Enhanced crystal teleport seed


Dragon claws

Pharaoh's sceptre

Ring of the elements

/buy name:Ring of the elements

400 Abyssal pearls from Guardians of the Rift

Jewellery box

Create jewellery boxes with /poh build name:[tier] jewellery box

You must create in order and upgrade, below are tiers and materials:

  • Basic(81 Construction): 20x Ring of dueling(8), 20x Games necklace(8), 1x Steel bar, 1x Bolt of cloth

  • Fancy(86 Construction): 20x Skills necklace(4), 20x Combat bracelet(4), 1x Gold leaf

  • Ornate(91 Construction): 20x Amulet of glory(4), 2x Gold leaf, 1x Ring of wealth (5)

Commands for Ornate Jewellery Box

The recharge spell has a minimum quantity of 25, so we'll be creating 25 of the dragonstone items (26 for RoW).

Bolt of cloth /buy name:Bolt of cloth

Gold Leaf /buy name:Gold leaf quantity:3

Ring of Dueling /craft name:Emerald ring quantity:20 /activities enchant name:Emerald ring quantity:20

Games necklace(8) /craft name:Sapphire necklace quantity:20 /activities enchant name:Sapphire necklace quantity:20

Skills necklace(4) /craft name:Dragon necklace quantity:25 /activities enchant name:Dragon necklace quantity:25 /activities cast spell:Recharge Skills Necklace quantity:1

Combat Bracelet(4) /craft name:Dragonstone bracelet quantity:25 /activities enchant name:Dragonstone bracelet quantity:25 /activities cast spell:Recharge Combat Bracelet quantity:1

Ring of wealth (5) /craft name:Dragonstone ring quantity:26 /activities enchant name:Dragonstone ring quantity:26 /activities charge item:Ring of wealth quantity:1

Amulet of glory(4) /craft name:Dragonstone amulet (u) quantity:25 /craft name:Dragonstone amulet quantity:25 /activities enchant name:Dragonstone amulet quantity:25 /activities cast spell:Recharge Glory quantity:1

Last updated