Elysian Spirit Shield: Reduces food usage by 17.5% when equipped in the gear setup being used.
Food: Certain foods give boosts to the trip time during PvM. See more information here.
Weapons: Few items provide boosts when equipped and charged. See more information here.
Black Mask (i): Gives a 16.67% boost while killing monsters on a slayer task.
Armadyl chestplate OR Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt OR Karil's leatherskirt
10% for Twisted bow OR 8% for Zaryte crossbow OR 7% for Bow of faerdhinen (c) OR 5% for Armadyl crossbow
5% for Pegasian boots OR 3% for Ranger boots
10% for Dragon warhammer OR 5% for Bandos godsword
Armadyl chestplate OR Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt OR Karil's leatherskirt
10% for Twisted bow OR 8% for Zaryte crossbow OR 7% for Bow of faerdhinen (c) OR 5% for Armadyl crossbow
Armadyl chestplate OR Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt OR Karil's leatherskirt
10% for Twisted bow OR 9% for Arclight
10% for Dragon warhammer OR 5% for Bandos godsword OR 3% for Dragon claws
Zaryte crossbow OR Armadyl crossbow OR Dragon crossbow OR Twisted bow
1,000,000 Coins in bank (Covers death cost)
600 Ammo equipped (50-60 used per kill before reductions)
-30% chance of death for Elysian spirit shield
Armadyl chestplate OR Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt OR Karil's leatherskirt
4% for Masori body (f) OR 2% for Armadyl chestplate
4% for Masori chaps (f) OR 2% for Armadyl chainskirt
Torva platebody OR Bandos chestplate OR Torag's platebody
Torva platelegs OR Bandos tassets OR Torag's platelegs
5% for Harmonised nightmare staff OR 3% for Iban's staff
Bandos chestplate OR Torag's platebody
Bandos tassets OR Torag's platelegs
6% for Dragon claws OR 4% for Saradomin godsword
2% for Torva platebody OR Bandos chestplate
2% for Torva platelegs OR Bandos tassets
Blighted ancient ice sacks OR Blood Death & Water runes OR Stamina potion (4)
Completion of Wilderness Medium diary (Artio ONLY)
2.5% for Masori mask/Masori mask (f) OR 1% for Armadyl helmet
3% for Necklace of anguish OR 1% for Amulet of fury OR 0.5% for Amulet of glory
2% for Ava's assembler OR 0.5% for Ava's accumulator
3.5% for Masori body/Masori body (f) OR 0.5% for Armadyl chestplate
3.5% for Masori chaps/Masori chaps (f) OR 1% for Armadyl chainskirt OR 0.5% for Black d'hide chaps
28% for Webweaver bow OR 25% for Craw's bow OR 6% for Zaryte crossbow OR 1% for Armadyl crossbow
3% for Zaryte vambraces OR 0.5% for Barrows gloves
1.5% for Pegasian boots OR 1% for Ranger boots OR 0.5% for any God d'hide boots
3% for Venator ring OR 1% for Archers ring (i) OR 0.5% for Brimstone ring
Bronze-Dragon knives OR any type of Chinchompa
Completion of Wilderness Medium diary (Spindel ONLY)
5.5% for Inquisitor's great helm OR 3% for Torva full helm OR 2.5% for Neitiznot faceguard
5.5% for Amulet of torture OR 4% for Amulet of strength OR 2.5% for Amulet of fury
7.5% for Infernal cape OR 4% for Mythical cape OR 3% for Fire cape
10% for Inquisitor's hauberk OR 5% for Torva platebody OR 3% for Bandos chestplate
10% for Inquisitor's plateskirt OR 5% for Torva platelegs OR 3% for Bandos tasset
52.5% for Ursine chainmace OR 49.5% for Viggora's chainmace OR 24.5% for Inquisitor's mace OR 24% for Abyssal bludgeon OR 1% for Zamorakian hasta
17% for Avernic defender OR 14.5% for Dragon defender
7.5% for Ferocious gloves OR 5% for Barrows gloves
4% for Primordial boots OR 2.5% for Dragon boots
7.5% for Ultor ring OR 5.5% for Berserker ring (i) OR 5% for Brimstone ring
Completion of Wilderness Medium diary (Calvarion ONLY)
4% for Inquisitor's great helm OR 2% for Torva full helm OR 1.5% for Neitiznot faceguard OR 1% for Helm of neitiznot OR 0.5% for Berserker helm
7.5% for Infernal cape OR 6% for Mythical cape OR 3% for Fire cape
9% for Inquisitor's hauberk OR 6% for Torva platebody OR 3% for Bandos chestplate
9% for Inquisitor's plateskirt OR 6% for Torva platelegs OR 3% for Bandos tassets
49.5% for Ursine chainmace OR 46% for Viggora's chainmace OR 21.5% for Inquisitor's mace OR 21% for Abyssal bludgeon OR 2.5% for Zamorakian hasta
16.5% for Avernic defender OR 12.5% for Dragon defender
9% for Ferocious gloves OR 5% for Barrows gloves
4% for Primordial boots OR 2.5% for Dragon boots
7.5% for Ultor ring OR 5.5% for Berserker ring (i) OR 5% for Brimstone ring
Karil's leathertop OR Black d'hide body
Karil's leatherskirt OR Black d'hide chaps
25% for Webweaver bow OR 20% for Craw's bow
5% for Archers ring (i) OR 3% for Archers ring
25% for Webweaver bow OR 20% for Craw's bow
3% for Karil's leathertop
3% for Karil's leatherskirt
10% for Harmonised nightmare staff
12% for Osmumten's fang OR 10% for Arclight
10% for Dragon warhammer OR 5% for Bandos godsword
10% for POH Pool of rejuvenation or better
1 Antidote++ (4) per ~12 kills OR 1 Anti-venom (4) per ~12 kills OR 1 Anti-venom+ (4) per ~15 kills
3% for Barrows gloves OR 6% for Ferocious gloves
8% for Saradomin godsword OR 10% for Dragon claws
15% for Dragon hunter lance (when training melee) OR 15% for Dragon hunter crossbow (when training range)
Dharok's platebody OR Bandos chestplate OR Torag's platebody
Dharok's platelegs OR Bandos tassets OR Torag's platelegs
Zamorakian spear OR Zamorakian hasta
15% for Inquisitor's mace OR 13% for Abyssal bludgeon OR 11% for Abyssal tentacle OR 10% for Abyssal whip OR 8% for Arclight
10% for Spectral spirit shield
8% for Inquisitor's hauberk OR 6% for Torva platebody OR 5% for Bandos chestplate
8% for Inquisitor's plateskirt OR 6% for Torva platelegs OR 5% for Bandos tassets
Brittle key (only needed once)
5% for Venator bow (must be equipped in range and charged)
5% for Toxic blowpipe OR 3% for Armadyl crossbow
10% for Dragon claws OR 6% for Saradomin godsword
10% for Scythe of vitur OR 10% for Scythe of vitur (uncharged)
Trident of the seas OR Trident of the seas (full) OR Uncharged trident of the seas OR Uncharged toxic trident OR Trident of the swamp OR Sanguinesti staff OR Harmonised nightmare staff
20% for Tumeken's shadow OR 15% for Harmonised nightmare staff OR 12% for Sanguinesti staff OR 10% for Trident of the swamp OR 10% for Uncharged Toxic trident OR 5% for Uncharged Trident of the seas OR 8% for Trident of the seas (full) OR 5% for Trident of the seas
5% for Imbued heart/Saturated heart
8% for Harmonised nightmare staff OR 6% for Trident of the swamp OR 6% for Uncharged Toxic trident OR 5% for Trident of the seas OR 5% for Uncharged Trident of the seas
8% for Dragon claws OR 3% for Dragon dagger
5% for Imbued heart/Saturated heart
3% for Ancestral robe top
2% for Ancestral robe bottom
Torva platebody OR Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs OR Bandos tassets
5% for Bellator ring OR 5% for Ultor ring
15% for Scythe of vitur (must be charged)
Masori body OR Armadyl chestplate
Masori chaps OR Armadyl chainskirt
5% for Masori mask (f) OR 4% for Masori mask
5% for Masori body (f) OR 4% for Masori body
5% for Masori chaps (f) OR 4% for Masori chaps
5% for Lightbearer OR 5% for Venator ring
Ancestral robe top OR Virtus robe top OR Ahrim's robetop
Ancestral robe bottom OR Virtus robe bottom OR Ahrim's robeskirt
Tumeken's shadow OR Sanguinesti staff (must be charged)
5% for Venator bow (must be equipped in range and charged)
3% for Elidinis' ward (f)
3% for Tormented bracelet
5% for Ancestral hat OR 3% for Virtus mask
5% for Ancestral robe top OR 3% for Virtus robe top
5% for Ancestral robe bottom OR 3% for Virtus robe bottom
5% for Lightbearer OR 5% for Magus ring
Torva platebody OR Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs OR Bandos tassets
5% for Bellator ring OR 5% for Ultor ring
15% for Scythe of vitur (must be charged)
1 Mossy Key (consumed every kill)
1 Giant Key (consumed every kill)
1 Dark Totem (consumed every kill)
7% for Strange old lockpick
10% for POH Pool of rejuvenation or better
Zamorakian spear OR Osmumten's fang
50% for POH Pool of rejuvenation or better
12% for Elder maul OR 10% for Dragon warhammer (Works from bank)
6% for Voidwaker OR 5% for Bandos godsword (Works from bank)
8% for Elysian spirit shield
8% for Amulet of blood fury
1% for Ring of suffering (i)
Armadyl chestplate OR Karil's leathertop Black d'hide body
Armadyl chainskirt OR Karil's leatherskirt Black d'hide chaps
5% for Keris partisan of breaching
10% for POH Pool of rejuvenation or better
Twisted bow OR Dragon hunter crossbow OR Armadyl crossbow OR Rune crossbow
Karil's leathertop OR Black d'hide body OR Black d'hide body (g) OR Black d'hide body (t)
Karil's leatherskirt OR Black d'hide Chaps OR Black d'hide chaps (g) OR Black d'hide chaps (t)
10% for Twisted bow OR 6% for Armadyl crossbow
15% for Dragon hunter lance (when training melee) OR 15% for Dragon hunter crossbow (when training range)
1 Prayer potion per 10 kills
10% for Twisted bow OR 7% for Berserker ring (i) OR 5% for Berserker ring
Rune crossbow OR Karil's crossbow OR Armadyl crossbow OR Toxic blowpipe OR Toxic blowpipe (empty)
15% for Toxic blowpipe OR 8% for Armadyl crossbow
5% for Ring of the gods (i) OR 3% for Ring of the gods
Tumeken's shadow OR Sanguinesti staff OR Trident of the swamp
4% for Saturated heart OR 2% for Imbued heart (Works from bank)
10% for Dragon arrows OR 6% for Amethyst arrows
6% for Masori body (f) OR 3% for Masori body
6% for Masori chaps (f) OR 3% for Masori chaps
11% for Tumeken's shadow 6% for Sanguinesti staff
6% for Ancestral robe top
6% for Ancestral robe bottom
5 Stamina potion (4) (consumed every kill)
100 Ruby dragon bolts (e) (must be equipped in RANGE setup)
15% for Scythe of vitur OR 12% for Inquisitor's mace OR 8% for Abyssal bludgeon
3% for Karil's leathertop
2% for Karil's leatherskirt
15% for Scythe of vitur OR 12% for Soulreaper axe OR 5% for Bone mace
5% for Avernic defender OR 3% for Dragon defender
4% for Amulet of torture OR 2% for Amulet of fury
4% for Ferocious gloves OR 2% for Barrows gloves
4% for Infernal cape OR 2% for Fire cape
15% for Dragon hunter lance OR 15% for Dragon hunter crossbow
18% for Zaryte crossbow OR 13% for Dragon warhammer OR 13% for Bandos godsword OR 8% for Dragon claws
20% for Salve amulet (ei) OR 16% for Salve amulet (i)
5% for Twisted bow OR 4% for Toxic blowpipe OR 3% for Bow of faerdhinen (c) OR 2% for Magic shortbow
5% for Harmonised nightmare staff OR 4% for Sanguinesti staff OR 3% for Trident of the swamp OR 2% for Trident of the seas (full) OR 1% for Iban's staff
4% for Pegasian boots OR 2% for Ranger boots
3% for Imbued heart OR Saturated heart
2% for Ancestral robe top
2% for Ancestral robe bottom