
/buy name:Vial of water quantity:
For a list of potions, herbs, requirements, etc, check out the OSRS Wiki Herblore Page
Making Potions
/mix name:Crushed nest
/mix name:Toadflax
/mix name:Toadflax potion (unf)
/mix name:Saradomin brew (3)
Zahur - You can add the zahur:True
flag to make unfinished potions or clean herbs instantly. This costs 200gp per item. Zahur will not clean herbs that you do not have the required herblore level to clean yourself. No xp is given for cleaning herbs with Zahur.
- E.g.
/mix name:Toadflax zahur:True
Wesley - You can add the wesley:True
flag to crush your items instantly. This costs 50gp per item. There are no other requirements. Crushed items include: Crushed nest, Lava scale shard, Unicorn horn dust, Goat horn dust, Dragon scale dust, and Crushed superior dragon bones.
- E.g.
/mix name:Crushed nest wesley:True
Fastest route to 99
/mix name:Attack potion (3) quantity:64
/mix name:Strength potion (3) quantity:237
/mix name:Defence potion (3) quantity:228
/mix name:Prayer potion (3)
/mix name:Super restore (3) quantity:900
/mix name:Super defence (3)
/mix name:Ranging potion (3)
/mix name:Magic potion (3)
/mix name:Saradomin brew (3)
Materials Needed: 64 Guam potion(unf), 64 Eye of newt, 237 Tarromin potion(unf), 237 Limpwurt root, 4095 Ranarr potion(unf), 2692 Cadantine potion(unf), 2920 White berries, 3867 Snape grass, 900 Snapdragon potion(unf), 900 Red spiders' eggs, 2694 Dwarf weed potion(unf), 2694 Wine of zamorak, 4966 Lantadyme potion(unf), 4966 Potato cactus, 60235 Toadflax potion(unf), 60235 Crushed nest,