Theatre of Blood (ToB)
/raid tob start
The Theatre of Blood is a high-level raid you can do for some top-tier weapons and armour. You get faster, and better, at ToB after more attempts and KC.
/raid tob start hard_mode:true
/raid tob stats
- 90 Attack/Strength/Defence/Range, 94 Magic, 77 Prayer
- High level equipment equipped in Melee/Mage/Range
- At least 100k gp for potential deaths
- Rune pouch OR Divine rune pouch
- An Abyssal tentacle, Blade of saeldor(c) or Scythe of vitur, and Fire or Infernal cape, in melee gear
- A charged/loaded Toxic blowpipe in your bank, with good darts
- A magic shortbow or twisted bow in your range gear, with amethyst/rune/dragon arrows
- At least 250 KC and an Infernal cape for Hard mode
- At least 150 KC before doing duos
- Super combat potions, ranging potions, brews, restores, blood runes, death runes, water rune
- 3 Karambwans per kc, if you're less than 20kc
- 20+ HP healing food (e.g. sharks) (more if less than 20 kc)
_- An uncharged scythe will still suffice, however, will only provide a 6% boost compared to the 15% the charged version gives. View charging items here.
Gear Score
Your gear score serves only to raise your boost score. The exception to this is that you cannot go below 80% total gear score or 75% in a specific setup otherwise you will face huge penalties. You will also face penalties for not having elite void or normal void in your range setup. Gear scores are always rounded up to the nearest whole number, i.e. 99.1% would be rounded to 100%.
This is the best-in-slot gear you should use for ToB, substitute the next best items you have.

Boost Score
These items affect your boost score:
- Having more attempts/KC
- Having higher gear score
- Better darts directly affect your boost score rather than your gear score
- Scythe > Blade > Tentacle (in melee outfit)
- Twisted bow (in range outfit)
- Dragon warhammer > Bandos godsword (in bank)
- Penalty for not having elite void, bigger penalty for not having normal void either
- Dragon claws > Crystal halberd (in bank)
Death Reduction
- Having more attempts/KC
- Having better gear
For more information (see Theory section below)
Hard Mode
Before you can start hard mode, you will need to complete at least 250 regular mode. Hard mode is much the same as normal mode. Previously, the max boost score was above 100% but is now capped at 100% in line with normal mode.
For Hard mode, the entire team must have 100% boost score to achieve the fastest times. You can use rune arrows whilst maintaining 100% boost score (99.5% gear score), however, dragon darts must be used for 100% boost regardless of arrows.
ToB hard mode offers a few extra uniques on top of the regular weapons and armour, these being ornament kits for the Scythe and Sang staff, and the Sanguine dust for pet transmogs (see below).
There are no requirements to roll on the kit/dust table, however, they are all on the same table, so you can only receive one of the three items at a time. Their drop rates are:
- Holy ornament kit - 1/100
- Sanguine ornament kit - 1/150
- Sanguine dust - 1/275
Additionally, the chance at rolling a purple is also slightly increased in hard mode. For a deathless raid, your team will have a 13% (1/7.7) chance at rolling a purple, compared to a normal mode at 11% (1/9.1) chance.
Pet Transmogs
There are 5 ToB pet transmogs you can collect, however, they are not listed in any official collection log. They are called:
- Lil' maiden
- Lil' bloat
- Lil' nylo
- Lil' sot
- Lil' xarp
There are currently 2 ways to obtain the ToB pet transmogs. They are:
- 1/30 chance from hard mode, when you already have Lil' zik and the Sanguine dust in your CL
- Using a Sanguine dust to manually change your Lil' zik
The base chance at rolling Lil' zik is 1/650 from regular ToB and 1/500 from hard mode. The base chance at rolling Sanguine dust is 1/275 from hard mode only. However, you do not need to hit the 1/500, nor the 1/275 again for a pet transmog. You only need to hit the 1/30 chance after already receiving both Lil' zik and the Sanguine dust. If you do hit the 1/30 after meeting these conditions, you will receive a random Lil' zik transmog that you don't already own.
/create item:
This only applies to normal TOB.
To achieve the fastest raid times everyone in your team must have an average boost score of at least 95.3%. For example in a trio, the total boost score for the maximum time reduction would be 285.9 (95.3 * 3). This means that two people with 100% boost score and one with 85.9% would average out to 95.3, providing the maximum time reduction.
As you get higher KC this means that you can start to downgrade gear without any penalties. For example you can downgrade to adamant darts and rune arrows with no penalty, providing your team stays over the 95.3% average.
If you plan to raid for a long period of time and your team averages over 95.3%, it is highly recommended that you start to downgrade your gear. Downgrade Scythe of Vitur to Blade of saeldor(c) or a tentacle whip (bear in mind this uses charges), arrows to rune and darts to adamant. If you have max gear in everything else this should give you a gear score of 99.5%.
Gear scores are always rounded up to the nearest whole number, i.e. 99.1% would be rounded to 100%. This means that the previously mentioned gear score of 99.5% provides no loss of boost score. Darts affect the boost score directly, but arrows only affect the gear score, this means if you have a gear score of 99.6% or higher you can safely downgrade dragon arrows to rune arrows.
As mentioned previously, you can go below 99.1% gear score providing your teams average boost score stays above 95.3%.