Abyssal Demon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Abyssal Demon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Abyssal Demon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Abyssal Demon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Abyssal Demon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Abyssal Demon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Abyssal Demon
You can barrage this monster
/k name:Abyssal Demon method:barrage
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
10% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Saradomin godsword
Abyssal Sire
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Abyssal Sire
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Abyssal Sire
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Abyssal Sire
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Abyssal Sire
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Abyssal Sire
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Abyssal Sire
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
12% boost for
Osmumten's fang
10% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon warhammer
5% boost for
Bandos godsword
POH Boosts
These boosts are from having the right object built in your POH.Pool
10% boost for Rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Fancy rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Ornate rejuvenation pool
Alchemical Hydra
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Alchemical Hydra
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Alchemical Hydra
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Alchemical Hydra
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Alchemical Hydra
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Alchemical Hydra
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Alchemical Hydra
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost

Items Required
Boots of stone
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Twisted bow
You can have one of the following boosts:
6% boost for
Ferocious gloves
3% boost for
Barrows gloves
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon claws
8% boost for
Saradomin godsword
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori body (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori mask (f)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Amoxliatl
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Amoxliatl
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Amoxliatl
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Amoxliatl
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Amoxliatl
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Amoxliatl
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Super restore(4)
Prayer potion(4)
Super combat potion(4)






Required Quests
- The Heart of Darkness
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Pendant of ates (inert)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Dragon claws
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
- 7% boost for
Avernic defender
Melee gear boosts:
7% boost for
Amulet of rancour
2% boost for
Amulet of torture
Melee gear boosts:
7% boost for
Infernal cape
2% boost for
Fire cape
Melee gear boosts:
7% boost for
Ferocious gloves
2% boost for
Barrows gloves
Melee gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
5% boost for
Torva platebody
5% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Melee gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
5% boost for
Torva platelegs
5% boost for
Bandos tassets
Melee gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Primordial boots
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 25% boost for
Scythe of vitur
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Araxxor
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Araxxor
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Araxxor
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Araxxor
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Araxxor
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Araxxor
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Extended anti-venom+(4)
Super restore(4)
Prayer potion(4)
Super combat potion(4)
Cooked karambwan
Spider cave teleport












Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Elder maul
4% boost for
Dragon warhammer
3% boost for
Dragon claws
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
18% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
15% boost for
Soulreaper axe
10% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
7% boost for
Ursine chainmace
1% boost for
Sarachnis cudgel
Melee gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Avernic defender
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
4% boost for
Amulet of rancour
2% boost for
Amulet of torture
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
4% boost for
Infernal cape
2% boost for
Fire cape
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
4% boost for
Ferocious gloves
2% boost for
Barrows gloves
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
2% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
2% boost for
Torva platebody
2% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
2% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
2% boost for
Torva platelegs
2% boost for
Bandos tassets
Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
- 2% boost for
Primordial boots
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 25% boost for
Scythe of vitur
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Artio
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Artio
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Artio
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Artio
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Artio
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Artio
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Blighted ancient ice sack
Blood rune
Death rune
Water rune
Stamina potion(4)





Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
2.5% boost for
Masori mask (f)
2.5% boost for
Masori mask
1% boost for
Armadyl helmet
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Necklace of anguish
1% boost for
Amulet of fury
0.5% boost for
Amulet of glory
Wildy gear boosts:
2% boost for
Ava's assembler
0.5% boost for
Ava's accumulator
Wildy gear boosts:
3.5% boost for
Masori body (f)
3.5% boost for
Masori body
0.5% boost for
Armadyl chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
3.5% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
3.5% boost for
Masori chaps
1% boost for
Armadyl chainskirt
0.5% boost for
Black d'hide chaps
Wildy gear boosts:
28% boost for
Webweaver bow
25% boost for
Craw's bow
6% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
1% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Zaryte vambraces
0.5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
1.5% boost for
Pegasian boots
1% boost for
Ranger boots
0.5% boost for
Guthix d'hide boots
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Venator ring
1% boost for
Archers ring (i)
0.5% boost for
Brimstone ring
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Barrows
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Barrows
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Barrows
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Barrows
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Barrows
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Barrows
- No Food Needed

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Barrows gloves
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
7% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
5% boost for
Iban's staff
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 7% boost for
Strange old lockpick
POH Boosts
These boosts are from having the right object built in your POH.Pool
10% boost for Rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Fancy rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Ornate rejuvenation pool
Basilisk Knight
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Basilisk Knight
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Basilisk Knight
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Basilisk Knight
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Basilisk Knight
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Basilisk Knight
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Basilisk Knight
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 4% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 4% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
Black Demon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Black Demon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Black Demon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Black Demon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Black Demon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Black Demon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Black Demon
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Black Demon method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
10% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Saradomin godsword
Blood Reaver
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Blood Reaver
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Blood Reaver
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Blood Reaver
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Blood Reaver
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Blood Reaver
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Blood Reaver
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Frozen key
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
10% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Bloodveld
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Bloodveld
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Bloodveld
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Bloodveld
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Bloodveld
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Bloodveld
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
20% boost for
15% boost for
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Range gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Venator bow
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Bryophyta
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Bryophyta
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Bryophyta
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Bryophyta
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Bryophyta
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Bryophyta
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Mossy key
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Callisto
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Callisto
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Callisto
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Callisto
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Callisto
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Callisto
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Blighted ancient ice sack
Blood rune
Death rune
Water rune
Stamina potion(4)





Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
2.5% boost for
Masori mask (f)
2.5% boost for
Masori mask
1% boost for
Armadyl helmet
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Necklace of anguish
1% boost for
Amulet of fury
0.5% boost for
Amulet of glory
Wildy gear boosts:
2% boost for
Ava's assembler
0.5% boost for
Ava's accumulator
Wildy gear boosts:
3.5% boost for
Masori body (f)
3.5% boost for
Masori body
0.5% boost for
Armadyl chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
3.5% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
3.5% boost for
Masori chaps
1% boost for
Armadyl chainskirt
0.5% boost for
Black d'hide chaps
Wildy gear boosts:
28% boost for
Webweaver bow
25% boost for
Craw's bow
6% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
1% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Zaryte vambraces
0.5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
1.5% boost for
Pegasian boots
1% boost for
Ranger boots
0.5% boost for
Guthix d'hide boots
Wildy gear boosts:
3% boost for
Venator ring
1% boost for
Archers ring (i)
0.5% boost for
Brimstone ring
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Calvar'ion
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Calvar'ion
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Calvar'ion
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Calvar'ion
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Calvar'ion
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Calvar'ion
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.






Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Inquisitor's great helm
2% boost for
Torva full helm
1.5% boost for
Neitiznot faceguard
1% boost for
Helm of neitiznot
0.5% boost for
Berserker helm
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Mythical cape
3% boost for
Fire cape
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
6% boost for
Torva platebody
3% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
6% boost for
Torva platelegs
3% boost for
Bandos tassets
Wildy gear boosts:
49.5% boost for
Ursine chainmace
46% boost for
Viggora's chainmace
21.5% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
21% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
2.5% boost for
Zamorakian hasta
Wildy gear boosts:
16.5% boost for
Avernic defender
12.5% boost for
Dragon defender
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Ferocious gloves
5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Primordial boots
2.5% boost for
Dragon boots
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ultor ring
5.5% boost for
Berserker ring (i)
5% boost for
Brimstone ring
Cave Slime
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Cave Slime
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Cave Slime
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Cave Slime
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Cave Slime
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Cave Slime
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Cave Slime
- No Food Needed

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Slayer helmet
5% boost for
Slayer helmet (i)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Cerberus
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Cerberus
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Cerberus
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Cerberus
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Cerberus
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Cerberus
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Key master teleport


Items Required
Torag's platebody
Dharok's platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torva platebody
Inquisitor's hauberk
Torag's platelegs
Dharok's platelegs
Bandos tassets
Torva platelegs
Inquisitor's plateskirt
Zamorakian spear
Zamorakian hasta
Abyssal whip
Abyssal tentacle
Abyssal bludgeon
Inquisitor's mace
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Spectral spirit shield
You can have one of the following boosts:
8% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
6% boost for
Torva platebody
5% boost for
Bandos chestplate
You can have one of the following boosts:
8% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
6% boost for
Torva platelegs
5% boost for
Bandos tassets
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
15% boost for
13% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
11% boost for
Abyssal tentacle
10% boost for
Abyssal whip
8% boost for
Chaos Elemental
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Chaos Elemental
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Chaos Elemental
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Chaos Elemental
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Chaos Elemental
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Chaos Elemental
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Chaos Elemental
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Items Required
Black d'hide body
Karil's leathertop
Black d'hide chaps
Karil's leatherskirt
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
25% boost for
Webweaver bow
20% boost for
Craw's bow
Wildy gear boosts:
5% boost for
Archers ring (i)
3% boost for
Archers ring
Wildy gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Barrows gloves
Chaos Fanatic
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Chaos Fanatic
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Chaos Fanatic
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Chaos Fanatic
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Chaos Fanatic
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Chaos Fanatic
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Chaos Fanatic
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
25% boost for
Webweaver bow
20% boost for
Craw's bow
Wildy gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Karil's leathertop
Wildy gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Karil's leatherskirt
Commander Zilyana
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Commander Zilyana
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Commander Zilyana
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Commander Zilyana
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Commander Zilyana
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Commander Zilyana
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Commander Zilyana
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chestplate
Karil's leatherskirt
Armadyl chainskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Pegasian boots
3% boost for
Ranger boots
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Twisted bow
8% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
7% boost for
Bow of faerdhinen (c)
5% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori body (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori mask (f)
Corporeal Beast
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Corporeal Beast
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Corporeal Beast
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Corporeal Beast
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Corporeal Beast
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Corporeal Beast
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Corporeal Beast
- No Food Needed

Items Required
Zamorakian spear
Osmumten's fang
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
12% boost for
Elder maul
10% boost for
Dragon warhammer
You can have one of the following boosts:
6% boost for
5% boost for
Bandos godsword
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
10% boost for
Osmumten's fang
8% boost for
Noxious halberd
Melee gear boosts:
- 8% boost for
Elysian spirit shield
Melee gear boosts:
- 2% boost for
Torva full helm
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Masori body (f)
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
Melee gear boosts:
- 2% boost for
Infernal cape
Melee gear boosts:
- 1% boost for
Ring of suffering (i)
Melee gear boosts:
- 1% boost for
Barrows gloves
Melee gear boosts:
- 1% boost for
Primordial boots
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 8% boost for
Amulet of blood fury
POH Boosts
These boosts are from having the right object built in your POH.Pool
50% boost for Rejuvenation pool
50% boost for Fancy rejuvenation pool
50% boost for Ornate rejuvenation pool
Crazy Archaeologist
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Crazy Archaeologist
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Crazy Archaeologist
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Crazy Archaeologist
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Crazy Archaeologist
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Crazy Archaeologist
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Crazy Archaeologist
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Occult necklace
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Dagannoth
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Dagannoth
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Dagannoth
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Dagannoth
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Dagannoth
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Dagannoth
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Dagannoth method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Dragonbone necklace
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Range gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Venator bow
Dagannoth Prime
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Dagannoth Prime
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Dagannoth Prime
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Dagannoth Prime
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Dagannoth Prime
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Dagannoth Prime
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Dagannoth Prime
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Guthan's platebody
Guthan's chainskirt
Guthan's helm
Guthan's warspear
Armadyl chestplate
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt
Karil's leatherskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Masori body (f)
2% boost for
Armadyl chestplate
You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
2% boost for
Armadyl chainskirt
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 6% boost for
Twisted bow
Dagannoth Rex
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Dagannoth Rex
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Dagannoth Rex
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Dagannoth Rex
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Dagannoth Rex
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Dagannoth Rex
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Dagannoth Rex
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Guthan's platebody
Guthan's chainskirt
Guthan's helm
Guthan's warspear
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torag's platebody
Torva platelegs
Bandos tassets
Torag's platelegs
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
3% boost for
Iban's staff
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Occult necklace
Dagannoth Supreme
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Dagannoth Supreme
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Dagannoth Supreme
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Dagannoth Supreme
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Dagannoth Supreme
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Dagannoth Supreme
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Dagannoth Supreme
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Guthan's platebody
Guthan's chainskirt
Guthan's helm
Guthan's warspear
Bandos chestplate
Torag's platebody
Torva platebody
Bandos tassets
Torag's platelegs
Torva platelegs
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
2% boost for
Bandos chestplate
2% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
2% boost for
Bandos tassets
2% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
6% boost for
Dragon claws
4% boost for
Saradomin godsword
Demonic Gorilla
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Demonic Gorilla
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Demonic Gorilla
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Demonic Gorilla
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Demonic Gorilla
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Demonic Gorilla
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Demonic Gorilla
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Verac's plateskirt
Bandos tassets
Torva platelegs
Abyssal whip
Dragon scimitar
Rune crossbow
Karil's crossbow
Armadyl crossbow
Armadyl chestplate
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chainskirt
Karil's leatherskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
25% boost for
20% boost for
Deranged Archaeologist
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Deranged Archaeologist
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Deranged Archaeologist
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Deranged Archaeologist
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Deranged Archaeologist
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Deranged Archaeologist
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Deranged Archaeologist
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Occult necklace
Duke Sucellus
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Duke Sucellus
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Duke Sucellus
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Duke Sucellus
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Duke Sucellus
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Duke Sucellus
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Duke Sucellus
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs
Bandos tassets
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Avernic defender
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Ferocious gloves
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Primordial boots
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva full helm
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platebody
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platelegs
Melee gear boosts:
5% boost for
Bellator ring
5% boost for
Ultor ring
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 15% boost for
Scythe of vitur
Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Duke Sucellus (Awakened)
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Awakener's orb



Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs
Bandos tassets
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Ferocious gloves
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Primordial boots
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva full helm
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platebody
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platelegs
Melee gear boosts:
5% boost for
Bellator ring
5% boost for
Ultor ring
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
- 15% boost for
Scythe of vitur
Feral Vampyre
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Feral Vampyre
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Feral Vampyre
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Feral Vampyre
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Feral Vampyre
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Feral Vampyre
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Feral Vampyre
- No Food Needed

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Blisterwood flail
12% boost for
Ivandis flail
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Frogeel
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Frogeel
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Frogeel
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Frogeel
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Frogeel
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Frogeel
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Raw cave eel
Giant frog legs

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
General Graardor
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: General Graardor
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:General Graardor
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:General Graardor
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:General Graardor
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:General Graardor
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:General Graardor
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon warhammer
5% boost for
Bandos godsword
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Osmumten's fang
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Giant Mole
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Giant Mole
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Giant Mole
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Giant Mole
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Giant Mole
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Giant Mole
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Giant Mole
- No Food Needed
Item Cost
Prayer potion(4)

Items Required
Dharok's helm
Dharok's platebody
Dharok's platelegs
Dharok's greataxe
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Barrows gloves
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Twisted bow
7% boost for
Berserker ring (i)
5% boost for
Berserker ring
Greater Demon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Greater Demon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Greater Demon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Greater Demon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Greater Demon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Greater Demon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Greater Demon
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Greater Demon method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
17% boost for
12% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Saradomin godsword
Greater Nechryael
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Greater Nechryael
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Greater Nechryael
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Greater Nechryael
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Greater Nechryael
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Greater Nechryael
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Greater Nechryael
You can barrage this monster
/k name:Greater Nechryael method:barrage
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Greater Nechryael method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
10% boost for
Grotesque Guardians
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Grotesque Guardians
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Grotesque Guardians
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Grotesque Guardians
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Grotesque Guardians
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Grotesque Guardians
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Grotesque Guardians
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Brittle key
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Toxic blowpipe
3% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon claws
6% boost for
Saradomin godsword
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Scythe of vitur
10% boost for
Scythe of vitur (uncharged)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori body (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori mask (f)
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Range gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Venator bow
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Hellhound
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Hellhound
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Hellhound
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Hellhound
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Hellhound
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Hellhound
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Hellhound method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
20% boost for
15% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Hydra
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Hydra
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Hydra
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Hydra
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Hydra
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Hydra
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Hydra method:cannon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost

Items Required
Boots of stone
Ice Troll
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Ice Troll
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Ice Troll
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Ice Troll
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Ice Troll
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Ice Troll
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Ice Troll
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Ice Troll method:cannon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 7% boost for
Neitiznot shield
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Jubster
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Jubster
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Jubster
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Jubster
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Jubster
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Jubster
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Raw jubbly
Raw lobster

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:K'ril Tsutsaroth
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:K'ril Tsutsaroth
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chestplate
Karil's leatherskirt
Armadyl chainskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon warhammer
5% boost for
Bandos godsword
3% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
20% boost for
Scorching bow
14% boost for
10% boost for
Twisted bow
9% boost for
Kalphite Queen
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Kalphite Queen
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Kalphite Queen
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Kalphite Queen
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Kalphite Queen
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Kalphite Queen
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Kalphite Queen
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Verac's flail
Verac's plateskirt
Black d'hide body
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chestplate
Black d'hide chaps
Karil's leatherskirt
Armadyl chainskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
12% boost for
Elder maul
10% boost for
Dragon warhammer
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Keris partisan of breaching
POH Boosts
These boosts are from having the right object built in your POH.Pool
10% boost for Rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Fancy rejuvenation pool
10% boost for Ornate rejuvenation pool
King Black Dragon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: King Black Dragon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:King Black Dragon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:King Black Dragon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:King Black Dragon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:King Black Dragon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:King Black Dragon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Items Required
Anti-dragon shield
Armadyl crossbow
Rune crossbow
Twisted bow
Dragon hunter crossbow
Black d'hide body
Black d'hide body (g)
Black d'hide body (t)
Karil's leathertop
Black d'hide chaps
Black d'hide chaps (g)
Black d'hide chaps (t)
Karil's leatherskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Twisted bow
6% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Kraken
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Kraken
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Kraken
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Kraken
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Kraken
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Kraken
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Items Required
Trident of the seas
Trident of the seas (full)
Uncharged trident
Uncharged toxic trident
Trident of the swamp
Sanguinesti staff
Harmonised nightmare staff
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
20% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
15% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
12% boost for
Sanguinesti staff
10% boost for
Trident of the swamp
10% boost for
Uncharged toxic trident
8% boost for
Trident of the seas (full)
5% boost for
Trident of the seas
5% boost for
Uncharged trident
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Imbued heart
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Kree'arra
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Kree'arra
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Kree'arra
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Kree'arra
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Kree'arra
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Kree'arra
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Karil's leathertop
Armadyl chestplate
Karil's leatherskirt
Armadyl chainskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Twisted bow
8% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
7% boost for
Bow of faerdhinen (c)
5% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori body (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
Masori mask (f)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Kurask
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Kurask
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Kurask
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Kurask
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Kurask
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Kurask
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Leaf-bladed battleaxe
Lesser demon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Lesser demon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Lesser demon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Lesser demon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Lesser demon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Lesser demon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Lesser demon
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Lesser demon method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
17% boost for
12% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Saradomin godsword
Lizardman Shaman
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Lizardman Shaman
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Lizardman Shaman
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Lizardman Shaman
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Lizardman Shaman
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Lizardman Shaman
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Lizardman Shaman
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Lizardman Shaman method:cannon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Items Required
Karil's crossbow
Rune crossbow
Armadyl crossbow
Toxic blowpipe
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Ring of the gods (i)
3% boost for
Ring of the gods
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Toxic blowpipe
8% boost for
Armadyl crossbow
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Shayzien helm (5)
Maniacal monkey
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Maniacal monkey
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Maniacal monkey
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Maniacal monkey
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Maniacal monkey
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Maniacal monkey
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Maniacal monkey
You can barrage this monster
/k name:Maniacal monkey method:barrage
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Maniacal monkey method:cannon
You can use chinchompas on this monster
/k name:Maniacal monkey method:chinning
- No Food Needed



Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Occult necklace
5% boost for
Necklace of anguish
You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Twisted buckler
5% boost for
Kodai wand
You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Eternal boots
5% boost for
Pegasian boots
You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Void ranger helm
5% boost for
Ancestral hat
Mutated Bloodveld
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Mutated Bloodveld
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Mutated Bloodveld
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Mutated Bloodveld
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Mutated Bloodveld
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Mutated Bloodveld
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Mutated Bloodveld
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Mutated Bloodveld method:cannon
If on a slayer task, this monster can be killed in the catacombs
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
20% boost for
15% boost for
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Range gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Venator bow
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Nechryael
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Nechryael
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Nechryael
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Nechryael
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Nechryael
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Nechryael
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
10% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Newtroost
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Newtroost
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Newtroost
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Newtroost
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Newtroost
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Newtroost
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Eye of newt

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Obor
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Obor
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Obor
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Obor
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Obor
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Obor
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Giant key
Phantom Muspah
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Phantom Muspah
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Phantom Muspah
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Phantom Muspah
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Phantom Muspah
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Phantom Muspah
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Phantom Muspah
Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Uses arrows/projectiles from your range gear















Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Frozen tablet
4% boost for
Saturated heart
2% boost for
Imbued heart
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Range gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Twisted bow
Range gear boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon arrow
6% boost for
Amethyst arrow
Range gear boosts:
6% boost for
Masori body (f)
3% boost for
Masori body
Range gear boosts:
6% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
3% boost for
Masori chaps
Mage gear boosts:
- 6% boost for
Ancestral robe top
Mage gear boosts:
- 6% boost for
Ancestral robe bottom
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Blessed dizana's quiver
3% boost for
Ava's assembler
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Zaryte vambraces
Mage gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Tormented bracelet
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Pegasian boots
Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Eternal boots
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Mage gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
15% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
10% boost for
Sanguinesti staff
5% boost for
Trident of the swamp
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Rabbit
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Rabbit
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Rabbit
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Rabbit
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Rabbit
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Rabbit
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Stamina potion(4)
Ruby dragon bolts (e)


You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Sarachnis
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Sarachnis
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Sarachnis
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Sarachnis
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Sarachnis
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Sarachnis
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Scythe of vitur
12% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
8% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Masori body (f)
3% boost for
Karil's leathertop
You can have one of the following boosts:
3% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
2% boost for
Karil's leatherskirt
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Ring of stone
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Scorpia
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Scorpia
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Scorpia
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Scorpia
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Scorpia
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Scorpia
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Occult necklace
Wildy gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Scurrius
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Scurrius
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Scurrius
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Scurrius
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Scurrius
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Scurrius
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
15% boost for
Scythe of vitur
12% boost for
Soulreaper axe
5% boost for
Bone mace
Melee gear boosts:
5% boost for
Avernic defender
3% boost for
Dragon defender
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Amulet of torture
2% boost for
Amulet of fury
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Ferocious gloves
2% boost for
Barrows gloves
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Infernal cape
2% boost for
Fire cape
Shadow spider
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Shadow spider
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Shadow spider
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Shadow spider
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Shadow spider
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Shadow spider
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Shadow spider
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Spectral spirit shield
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Skotizo
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Skotizo
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Skotizo
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Skotizo
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Skotizo
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Skotizo
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Dark totem
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
55% boost for
50% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Spidine
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Spidine
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Spidine
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Spidine
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Spidine
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Spidine
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Red spiders' eggs
Raw sardine

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Spindel
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Spindel
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Spindel
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Spindel
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Spindel
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Spindel
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Bronze knife
Iron knife
Steel knife
Black knife
Mithril knife
Adamant knife
Rune knife
Dragon knife
Rune knife(p++)
Red chinchompa
Black chinchompa






Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
5.5% boost for
Inquisitor's great helm
3% boost for
Torva full helm
2.5% boost for
Neitiznot faceguard
Wildy gear boosts:
5.5% boost for
Amulet of torture
4% boost for
Amulet of strength
2.5% boost for
Amulet of fury
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Infernal cape
4% boost for
Mythical cape
3% boost for
Fire cape
Wildy gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
5% boost for
Torva platebody
3% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
5% boost for
Torva platelegs
3% boost for
Bandos tassets
Wildy gear boosts:
52.5% boost for
Ursine chainmace
49.5% boost for
Viggora's chainmace
24.5% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
24% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
1% boost for
Zamorakian hasta
Wildy gear boosts:
17% boost for
Avernic defender
14.5% boost for
Dragon defender
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ferocious gloves
5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Primordial boots
2.5% boost for
Dragon boots
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ultor ring
5.5% boost for
Berserker ring (i)
5% boost for
Brimstone ring
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Swordchick
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Swordchick
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Swordchick
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Swordchick
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Swordchick
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Swordchick
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Raw swordfish
Raw chicken

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
The Hueycoatl
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: The Hueycoatl
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:The Hueycoatl
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:The Hueycoatl
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:The Hueycoatl
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:The Hueycoatl
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:The Hueycoatl
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Super restore(4)
Prayer potion(4)
Cooked karambwan






Required Quests
- Children of the Sun
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 4% boost for
Dragon claws
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
10% boost for
Dragon hunter lance
9% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
9% boost for
Soulreaper axe
9% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
Melee gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Avernic defender
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Amulet of rancour
2% boost for
Amulet of torture
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Infernal cape
2% boost for
Fire cape
Melee gear boosts:
4% boost for
Ferocious gloves
2% boost for
Barrows gloves
Melee gear boosts:
2% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
2% boost for
Torva platebody
2% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Melee gear boosts:
2% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
2% boost for
Torva platelegs
2% boost for
Bandos tassets
Melee gear boosts:
- 2% boost for
Primordial boots
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 10% boost for
Scythe of vitur
The Leviathan
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: The Leviathan
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:The Leviathan
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:The Leviathan
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:The Leviathan
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:The Leviathan
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:The Leviathan
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Masori body
Armadyl chestplate
Masori chaps
Armadyl chainskirt
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Webweaver bow
5% boost for
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Twisted buckler
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Zaryte vambraces
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Pegasian boots
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori mask (f)
4% boost for
Masori mask
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori body (f)
4% boost for
Masori body
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
4% boost for
Masori chaps
Range gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Venator ring
Range gear boosts:
- 15% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:The Leviathan (Awakened)
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:The Leviathan (Awakened)
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Awakener's orb



Items Required
Masori body
Armadyl chestplate
Masori chaps
Armadyl chainskirt
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Twisted buckler
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Zaryte vambraces
Range gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Pegasian boots
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori mask (f)
4% boost for
Masori mask
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori body (f)
4% boost for
Masori body
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
Masori chaps (f)
4% boost for
Masori chaps
Range gear boosts:
5% boost for
5% boost for
Venator ring
Range gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
The Whisperer
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: The Whisperer
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:The Whisperer
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:The Whisperer
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:The Whisperer
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:The Whisperer
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:The Whisperer
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Ancestral robe top
Virtus robe top
Ahrim's robetop
Ancestral robe bottom
Virtus robe bottom
Ahrim's robeskirt
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Elidinis' ward (f)
Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Tormented bracelet
Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Eternal boots
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral hat
3% boost for
Virtus mask
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral robe top
3% boost for
Virtus robe top
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral robe bottom
3% boost for
Virtus robe bottom
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Magus ring
5% boost for
Mage gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Mage gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
15% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
7% boost for
Sanguinesti staff
Range gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Venator bow
The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:The Whisperer (Awakened)
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:The Whisperer (Awakened)
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Awakener's orb




Items Required
Ancestral robe top
Virtus robe top
Ahrim's robetop
Ancestral robe bottom
Virtus robe bottom
Ahrim's robeskirt
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Elidinis' ward (f)
Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Tormented bracelet
Mage gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Eternal boots
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral hat
3% boost for
Virtus mask
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral robe top
3% boost for
Virtus robe top
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Ancestral robe bottom
3% boost for
Virtus robe bottom
Mage gear boosts:
5% boost for
Magus ring
5% boost for
Mage gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Mage gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
15% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
7% boost for
Sanguinesti staff
Range gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Venator bow
Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Thermonuclear smoke devil
You can only kill this monster on a slayer task
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
8% boost for
Dragon claws
3% boost for
Dragon dagger
You can have one of the following boosts:
8% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
6% boost for
Trident of the swamp
6% boost for
Uncharged toxic trident
5% boost for
Trident of the seas
5% boost for
Uncharged trident
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Occult necklace
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Ancestral robe bottom
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Ancestral robe top
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Imbued heart
Tormented Demon
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Tormented Demon
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Tormented Demon
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Tormented Demon
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Tormented Demon
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Tormented Demon
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Tormented Demon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Guthixian temple teleport
Required Quests
- While Guthix Sleeps
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
25% boost for
20% boost for
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 6% boost for
Ferocious gloves
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Burning claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
10% boost for
Scorching bow
10% boost for
Purging staff
You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Heavy ballista
2% boost for
Light ballista
Tortured Gorilla
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Tortured Gorilla
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Tortured Gorilla
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Tortured Gorilla
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Tortured Gorilla
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Tortured Gorilla
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Tortured Gorilla
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Verac's plateskirt
Bandos tassets
Torva platelegs
Abyssal whip
Dragon scimitar
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
25% boost for
20% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Turoth
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Turoth
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Turoth
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Turoth
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Turoth
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Turoth
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 5% boost for
Leaf-bladed battleaxe
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Unicow
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Unicow
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Unicow
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Unicow
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Unicow
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Unicow
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Unicorn horn

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos chestplate
13% boost for
Torva platebody
You can have one of the following boosts:
13% boost for
Bandos tassets
13% boost for
Torva platelegs
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 11% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Abyssal whip
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 15% boost for
Dragon defender
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Amulet of torture
6% boost for
Amulet of fury
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Fire cape
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Primordial boots
6% boost for
Dragon boots
Vampyre Juvinate
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vampyre Juvinate
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vampyre Juvinate
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vampyre Juvinate
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vampyre Juvinate
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vampyre Juvinate
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vampyre Juvinate
- No Food Needed

Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Blisterwood flail
12% boost for
Ivandis flail
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vardorvis
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vardorvis
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vardorvis
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vardorvis
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vardorvis
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vardorvis
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.



Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs
Bandos tassets
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
- 25% boost for
Soulreaper axe
Melee gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Avernic defender
Melee gear boosts:
- 5% boost for
Ferocious gloves
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Primordial boots
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva full helm
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platebody
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platelegs
Melee gear boosts:
5% boost for
Bellator ring
5% boost for
Ultor ring
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts:
- 20% boost for
Scythe of vitur
Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vardorvis (Awakened)
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vardorvis (Awakened)
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Awakener's orb



Items Required
Torva platebody
Bandos chestplate
Torva platelegs
Bandos tassets
Required Quests
- Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Ferocious gloves
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Primordial boots
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva full helm
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platebody
Melee gear boosts:
- 3% boost for
Torva platelegs
Melee gear boosts:
5% boost for
Bellator ring
5% boost for
Ultor ring
Degradeable/Chargeable Item Boosts
These boosts are for items which degrade or have charges.Melee gear boosts, it is required to have atleast one of these:
- 15% boost for
Scythe of vitur
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Venenatis
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Venenatis
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Venenatis
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Venenatis
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Venenatis
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Venenatis
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Bronze knife
Iron knife
Steel knife
Black knife
Mithril knife
Adamant knife
Rune knife
Dragon knife
Rune knife(p++)
Red chinchompa
Black chinchompa






Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
5.5% boost for
Inquisitor's great helm
3% boost for
Torva full helm
2.5% boost for
Neitiznot faceguard
Wildy gear boosts:
5.5% boost for
Amulet of torture
4% boost for
Amulet of strength
2.5% boost for
Amulet of fury
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Infernal cape
4% boost for
Mythical cape
3% boost for
Fire cape
Wildy gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
5% boost for
Torva platebody
3% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
10% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
5% boost for
Torva platelegs
3% boost for
Bandos tassets
Wildy gear boosts:
52.5% boost for
Ursine chainmace
49.5% boost for
Viggora's chainmace
24.5% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
24% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
1% boost for
Zamorakian hasta
Wildy gear boosts:
17% boost for
Avernic defender
14.5% boost for
Dragon defender
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ferocious gloves
5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Primordial boots
2.5% boost for
Dragon boots
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ultor ring
5.5% boost for
Berserker ring (i)
5% boost for
Brimstone ring
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vet'ion
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vet'ion
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vet'ion
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vet'ion
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vet'ion
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vet'ion
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.






Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Inquisitor's great helm
2% boost for
Torva full helm
1.5% boost for
Neitiznot faceguard
1% boost for
Helm of neitiznot
0.5% boost for
Berserker helm
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Infernal cape
6% boost for
Mythical cape
3% boost for
Fire cape
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Inquisitor's hauberk
6% boost for
Torva platebody
3% boost for
Bandos chestplate
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Inquisitor's plateskirt
6% boost for
Torva platelegs
3% boost for
Bandos tassets
Wildy gear boosts:
49.5% boost for
Ursine chainmace
46% boost for
Viggora's chainmace
21.5% boost for
Inquisitor's mace
21% boost for
Abyssal bludgeon
2.5% boost for
Zamorakian hasta
Wildy gear boosts:
16.5% boost for
Avernic defender
12.5% boost for
Dragon defender
Wildy gear boosts:
9% boost for
Ferocious gloves
5% boost for
Barrows gloves
Wildy gear boosts:
4% boost for
Primordial boots
2.5% boost for
Dragon boots
Wildy gear boosts:
7.5% boost for
Ultor ring
5.5% boost for
Berserker ring (i)
5% boost for
Brimstone ring
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vorkath
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vorkath
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vorkath
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vorkath
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vorkath
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vorkath
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.


Items Required
Armadyl chestplate
Armadyl chainskirt
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
18% boost for
Zaryte crossbow
13% boost for
Bandos godsword
13% boost for
Dragon warhammer
8% boost for
Dragon claws
You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Dragon hunter crossbow
15% boost for
Dragon hunter lance
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 1% boost for
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vyrewatch
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vyrewatch
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vyrewatch
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vyrewatch
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vyrewatch
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vyrewatch
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Blisterwood flail
12% boost for
Ivandis flail
Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Vyrewatch Sentinel
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Vyrewatch Sentinel
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
15% boost for
Blisterwood flail
12% boost for
Ivandis flail
Warped Terrorbird
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Warped Terrorbird
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Warped Terrorbird
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Warped Terrorbird
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Warped Terrorbird
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Warped Terrorbird
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Warped Terrorbird
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Warped Terrorbird method:cannon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Required Quests
- The Path of Glouphrie
Warped Tortoise
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Warped Tortoise
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Warped Tortoise
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Warped Tortoise
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Warped Tortoise
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Warped Tortoise
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Warped Tortoise
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Warped Tortoise method:cannon
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Required Quests
- The Path of Glouphrie
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Werewolf
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Werewolf
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Werewolf
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Werewolf
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Werewolf
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Werewolf
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
- 10% boost for
Zombie pirate
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Zombie pirate
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Zombie pirate
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Zombie pirate
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Zombie pirate
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Zombie pirate
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Zombie pirate
You can dwarf multicannon this monster
/k name:Zombie pirate method:cannon
This monster is in the wilderness, and you can die to PKers when killing it. As such, you will always use your "wildy" gear setup when killing this monster.
- No Food Needed
Item Cost
Blighted super restore(4)
Super restore(4)
Prayer potion(4)
Burning amulet(5)


Equipped Item Boosts
To get these boosts, you need the item equipped in the right setup. The best boost you can use will automatically be used.Wildy gear boosts:
25% boost for
Venator bow
20% boost for
Webweaver bow
20% boost for
Craw's bow
You can view the drops for this monster on the osrs wiki: Zulrah
You can send your minion to kill this monster using:
/k name:Zulrah
You can check your KC using:
/minion kc name:Zulrah
You can check the KC leaderboard using:
/lb kc monster:Zulrah
You can check your collection log using:
/cl name:Zulrah
You can check the collection log leaderboard using:
/lb cl cl:Zulrah
- Requires food in your bank to kill, the amount needed is heavily reduced based on your gear/experience.
Item Cost
Zul-andra teleport


Item in Bank Boosts
These boosts are applied from just being in your bank, and do not need to be equipped (but can also be equipped). The best boost you can use will automatically be used.You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Pegasian boots
2% boost for
Ranger boots
You can have one of the following boosts:
8% boost for
Tumeken's shadow
5% boost for
Harmonised nightmare staff
4% boost for
Sanguinesti staff
3% boost for
Trident of the swamp
2% boost for
Trident of the seas
1% boost for
Iban's staff
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 3% boost for
Barrows gloves
You can have one of the following boosts:
5% boost for
Twisted bow
4% boost for
Toxic blowpipe
3% boost for
Bow of faerdhinen (c)
2% boost for
Magic shortbow
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Ancestral hat
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Ancestral robe top
You can have one of the following boosts:
- 2% boost for
Ancestral robe bottom
You can have one of the following boosts:
4% boost for
Saturated heart
3% boost for
Imbued heart