The Gauntlet is a solo minigame which has some substantial requirements. When you start at both the normal and corrupted gauntlets, your chance of death within the minigame will be quite high. This can be reduced through minion learning (down to 6%).
To begin a trip, use the following commands:
/minigames gauntlet start
/minigames gauntlet startcorrupted:True
- Level 80 in all combat stats (90 for Corrupted)
- Level 77 Prayer
- Level 70 in the following skills:
- Smithing
- Mining
- Farming
- Agility
- Woodcutting
- Fishing
- Cooking
- Herblore
- Construction
- Hunter
- 200+ quest points
- Corrupted Gauntlet also requires at least 50kc in the normal Gauntlet.
- 5% boost for Augury OR 2% boost for Mystic might (45+ prayer but not unlocked Augury)
/useitem:Arcane prayer scroll
- 5% boost for Rigour OR 2% boost for Eagle eye (44+ prayer but not unlocked Rigour)
/useitem:Dexterous prayer scroll
- Up to 20% for preparation time (this is based on normal + cg kc)
- Up to 40% in normal gauntlet (prep time is halved)
- Up to 20% for experience (0.2% for each KC. 100kc = max boost)
The standard rewards from gauntlet can be obtained here such as Crystal shards alongside runes, gems, arrows, and rune/dragon alchables. The unique rewards include:
Crystal weapon seeds
You can create a Crystal bow or Crystal halberd (used at ToB). Both require 78 smithing and crafting.
/create item:Crystal bow
- Requires 40 shards
/create item:Crystal halberd
- Requires 40 shards
Crystal armour seeds
You can create all 3 pieces of the crystal armour set. Each armour piece requires level 70/72/74 smithing and crafting respectively.
/create item: ``Crystal helm
- Requires 150 shards
/create item: ``Crystal body
- Requires 300 shards
`/createitem: ``Crystal legs` - Requires 450 shards
Enhanced crystal weapon seeds
You need 82 crafting and smithing to create both the inactive and charged versions of the blade/bow. The charged bow provides boosts to bosses such as Sara, Arma, Zulrah, and CoX. The charged blade is used at ToB. Charged weapons can be reverted back to inactive weapons, and inactive weapons can be reverted back to seeds (costs 250 crystal shards for the latter).
/create item:Blade of saeldor (inactive)
- Requires 100 shards/create item:Bow of faerdhinen (inactive)
- Requires 100 shards/create item:Blade of saeldor (c)
- Requires 1000 shards/create item:Bow of faerdhinen (c)
- Requires 2000 shards
Note: The charged blade/bow are untradeable, while the inactive versions are tradeable.
Trading in Crystal Seeds
You may trade in your spare crystal seeds for crystal shards through the /create
- E.g.
/create item: ``Revert crystal armour seed
Seed | Shards |
Crystal weapon seed | 10 |
Crystal tool seed | 100 |
Enhanced teleport crystal seed | 150 |
Crystal armour seed | 250 |
Enhanced crystal weapon seed | 1,500 |