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Developing Guide

Important Tips

  • I use this link when reviewing PRs, if your PR has certain labels (like 'Waiting for changes', or 'Status:WP'), it will be excluded from my reviewing list, so update the labels of your PR as appropriate (or ask someone with contributor role to update labels).
  • Run pnpm dev before pushing commits to a PR, it will do everything you need (linting, building, testing, etc).
  • You need a test bot, and have it added to our testing server, and it's highly encouraged you do your testing there.
  • If you have any question or need help, ask in #developers, and you're welcome to ping @magnaboy.


pnpm dev: Run this before pushing/PRing, or just at any time if you want, it does almost everything you need: Update deps, generate prisma clients, build, update files, lint and test.

pnpm start: Starts/runs your bot, and restarts it when you make changes.

pnpm lint: Run this if you only want to lint your code, and nothing else (pnpm dev runs this).

pnpm test: Run this if you only want to test your code, and nothing else (pnpm dev runs this).

pnpm monorepo:build: Run this if you have made changes to either monorepo (oldschooljs or toolkit) to update the dependency in the bot.

pnpm monorepo:test: Run this if you want to test either monorepo (oldschooljs or toolkit).


The spritesheet is a big image file containing most icons the bot uses for items, not all items are in it, if the bot need any that aren't in it, it will download them on demand.

  • To update the spritesheet, use pnpm spritesheet. This will only have an effect if something has actually changed.
  • If new osrs items are being added, you first need to download the new cache and extract it so /cache/item/icon is in tmp/icons in the repo.
  • Must only be run on the master (osb) branch.
  • If new BSO items are added, the images should be put in the master branch in src/lib/resources/images/bso_icons, and the item names/ids in the bso_items.json file.