
The following items have been added to the collection log, as they are all obtainable now:
Warped sceptre
Sulphur blades
Teleport anchoring scroll
Glacial temotli
Pendant of ates (inert)
Frozen tear
Added the Warped Terrorbird and Warped Tortoise, they drop thehere
Warped sceptre (uncharged)
Added the 'Warped Reality' slayer unlock.
Added warped monsters slayer tasks.
Added the Zombie Pirate monster, for the boosts/requirements/etc, see the monsters page
. It drops theZombie pirate key
Added the Zombie Pirate Locker to
Zombie pirate key
Zombie pirates now count as zombie/pirate slayer tasks.
If you try to kill a monster that can only be killed in the wilderness (but you didn't specify to use the wilderness), it now gives a better message showing how to do that.
Loop half of key (moon key)
Hueycoatl bug fixes: dropping less hides than it should, using no food, pet rate being too common.
Added the Amoxliatl monster, for the boosts/requirements/etc, see the monsters page
- Added the combat achievements
- Added the collection log
Added the Frost Nagua and Sulphur Nagua monsters.
Removed divine super combat cost from hueycoatl
Wiki Changes:
- Various improvements/fixes to the wiki
- The Combat Achievements page now has an input that lets you put your discord ID, and see your combat achievements progress on the wiki. This is inspired by, and similar to, the osrs wiki leagues tasks page. If people find this useful, I will add it for other things/pages too.
- Added a lightmode (enable it on the top right of the page)
- The Monsters page now shows some more monsters that were missing.

- Fixed the hueycoatl CL notifications showing the wrong KC
- Update Gnomes, Paladins and Heros according to the osrs update, dropping med/hard/elite clues respectively. Success rates have been updated and added clues as tertiary drops.
- Fixed a bug with the rogues outfit doubling clue scrolls.
- Added wealthy citizens todoubled max trip length because they are afk.
- Clue stacking/juggling now applies properly for clues from skilling and TOB.
- Fixed a bug with a clue speed boost not being applied when it should.
- Clue trips can now be repeated if you have more clues in your bank.
- Updated the minion icons wiki page

- Added the droptables for Zombie pirates and the Zombie pirate locker
Clue scrolls have received several updates/changes in this update, view our Clue Scrolls page for updated information.
- Rebalanced clue scroll speeds to more closely match OSRS rates
- Beginner, Easy, Medium, Elite clues got a fairly significant buff (are now faster to complete)
- Added some more boosts, see the Clue Scrolls page to see all boosts
- You can now get a larger boost from your minions experience doing clues

- You can now stack clue scrolls, view the clue scrolls page for more information. Although the bot lets you stack clues in your bank, we are just emulating the mechanic of clue juggling. In other words, your minion keeps the clues in your bank juggled, allowing you to hold them - and your minion can only juggle a maximum of 100 clues. If you receive more clues while at the limit of 100 clues, your minion will drop the lowest tier ones you have to fit higher tier ones (e.g. it will drop an easy clue to pick up an elite clue).
- Boosts to clue scrolls now apply per clue instead of to the entire trip, allowing you to complete more clues per trip.
- 'Engine Changes:' I have integrated the packages we use into the main repo as a monorepo, with the simple explanation being it makes it easier for myself and others to add new things, like bosses.
- The Pharaoh's sceptre is now tradeable
The Hueycoatl

The combat achievements, collection log, and pet have all been added.
To see the boosts, requirements and all information on the boss, see our The Hueycoatl on Monster Page
- Fixed an issue where black masks (and other items) became unequippable

- Added
Book of the dead
- Improved the messages the bot shows for ammo/charge usage in
- Removed the max quantity of killing 1 Skotizo per trip (as clues can now stack)
- Added nightmare wiki page
- Ensure repeat trips remember your chosen combat methods
- Fix xp received from cannoning
- Prevent cannoning in catacombs
- Fixed a bug with the clue stacking update

- Fixed the messaging/formatting of the mining command
- Fixed/improved some wiki pages
- Hacktoberfest has finished, and everyone has been sent out their custom merch and other prizes! Thank you to all who participated.
- OSB Bingo #3 has finished! Read the page for it for more information: OSB Bingo #3

- Lowered the food cost for araxytes
- The BiS amulet for nightmare is now the
Amulet of rancour
- Added Nid to the pets CL
- Allow buying genie lamps with frog tokens
- You can now create these items:
Strange skull
Skull sceptre
Runed sceptre
Skull sceptre (i)

- Fix araxxor boss task requirements
- Allow buying genie lamps with frog tokens
- Fixed a bug with agility-alching sometimes picking the wrong item
- Improved the formatting of some messages
- Allow global gear presets equip command to use similar items
- The bot now shows loot as pictures when using implings in
- Fixed wildy rev weapon boost
- Added total kc and kc/h to tempoross/wintertodt return message
- Added task and catacomb modifiers to
- Added missing Graceful creates / reverts (Add Brimhaven and Dark graceful revert and individual item reverts for Brimhaven, Dark and Varlamore - same as every other graceful recolour)
- Solo nex drops now are spoilered if you get a purple
- Superiors now always drop brimstone keys on konar tasks

- Added error message when trying to use twitcher gloves without having them equipped
- Added boost to zulrah for zul-andra teleports (uses 1 tele per 4 kills for a 10% boost)
- Added boost to cerberus for keymaster teleports (uses 1 tele per 10 kills for a 10% boost)
- Added boost to tormented demons for Guthixian temple teleports (uses 1 tele per 20 kills for a 10% boost)
- Added boost to revs for Guthixian temple teleports (uses 1 tele per 20 kills for a 5% boost)
- You can now create a Corrupted Youngllef from a Youngllef if you have atleast 1 CG kc
- Added Armoured zombie as a killable monster
- Added Broken zombie axe to misc CL page
- Added
Zombie axe

- Updated the wyrm agility pet droprate
- Add the ability to create
Forester's ration
- Fixed ash sanctifier not giving proper XP and removing ashes

- Balanced the construction xp/hr rates (Some things are slower/faster now)
- Updated/fixed some mining code

- Added the combat achievements for all 4 DT2 bosses

- Added Crab killable monster
- Added
Fresh crab claw
Fresh crab shell
- Added
Diving apparatus
Fishbowl helmet
- Added
Crab helmet
Crab claw
Bingo! We are running the 3rd official OSB bingo. See the Bingo Page for information.

- Fixed gearpresets wiping the ammo slot when editing
- Added EHP autoslay for araxytes, so they are barraged/cannoned
- Fixed the
- Allow more items to create
Amulet of rancour (s)
- Fixed a bug where the bot sometimes failed to send confirmation messages.
- Fixed an issue with perk tiers not syncing properly
- Various "engine" changes/improvements
- Various wiki fixes/improvements
- Fixed several bugs that were causing errors/issues
- Made some changes to fix roles (they may not be fully fixed yet)
Scurrius' spine
Book of arcane knowledge

- Fixed Nex 'fake' masses using extra ammo
- Fixed ToB repeat trips not remembering quantity
- Added the Ourania Altar (ZMI)
- You can start a ZMI trip using:
/runecraft rune:Ourania Altar
- You get a boost for Graceful OR for having 95 Magic for spellbook swap
- You get a 2% boost for having a
Ring of endurance
- You are slower if your mage is less than 71 and your QP is less than 120, for the Ourania Teleport spell.
Daeyalt essence

- Fixed the droprate of tormented demons uniques (instead of a roll that gets you either a synapse/claw, you get a roll at both now)
Bow of faerdhinen (c)
- Improved code relating to item rerolling (e.g. bludgeon pieces)
- Added the Colossal Wyrm Agility Course
- Requires the Children of the Sunquest to be completed and
- Added the collection log
- Added the following items to
- Requires the Children of the Sun
- Araxxor Changes
- Adjusted the difficulty of combat achievements
- Fixed the extended araxyte slayer unlock
- Adjusted the noxious halberd dropping so it prioritizes dropping items, when you have all 3 already, that would soonest let you create a full halberd.
- Updated agility xp/hr rates based on the osrs update (buffed)
- Added
Clue scroll (elite)
I am running our own Hacktoberfest! Check out the Hacktoberfest page if you're interested.

- Fixed/updated lots of wiki pages, and added more features to the wiki
- Fixed an issue where 'degradeable item boosts' were not applying, for example using a Scythe at Araxxor.
- PVM trips now show your kills per hour.
- Fixed a formatting issue in trips where it says "Using" for no reason.
- If you try to kill something without owning any of the required consumables, it now shows the alternate ones you can use. (e.g. antivenoms at araxxor)
- Fixed an issue where extra consumables (like cannonballs) were being used when they shouldn't.

Added the While Guthix Sleeps quest, requiring Defender of Varrock and The Path of Glouphrie (alongside various skills).
Tormented Demons
Added Tormented Demons, as well as their combat achievements and their creatable items. Also added the While Guthix Sleeps quest to allow the killing of these mobs. The creatable demonbane items from TDs also have various boosts to demon mobs throughout the bot (mostly emberlight)
- They are also an alternative option for Greater Demon tasks outside of the wilderness and Konaar.
- They drop:
Tormented synapse
Burning claw
Guthixian temple teleport
- You can now
Scorching bow
Purging staff
Burning claws
- The
Scorching bow
Purging staff
We now have a new wiki at, and the BSO Wiki is now combined together with the OSB wiki. Many pages are out of date, I'm trying to update pages when I have time. Currently, the only way to contribute to the new wiki is by editing files in this folder on github.

Added new quests: The Heart of Darkness, Death on the Isle, Meat and Greet, Ethically Acquired Antiquities. You can view information on them on the new Quests page.
Added Araxxor. For costs, requirements, boosts, etc, look here: Araxxor
- Added the combat achievements, they are listed in the Combat Achivements page and on the OSRS Wiki
- Added the collection log
- Added
Noxious halberd
- Addedown the following items: Amulet of rancour, Aranea boots, Araxyte slayer helmet, Noxious halberd, Rax
Amulet of rancour
Amulet of torture
Araxyte fang
Amulet of rancour (s)
- Added the 2 new slayer helmets:
Araxyte slayer helmet
Araxyte slayer helmet (i)
- If you receive a
Coagulated venom
- Added More Eyes Than Sense and EyeSeeYou slayer unlocks
"Engine changes"
- Improved speed of simulation code (e.g. opening clues, killing monsters, etc) to be 20x faster
- Changed the library we use for images (E.g. bank images) due to a memory leak in the one we were using.

- The Crystal pickaxe now can be used anywhere a dragon pickaxe is used.
- You can now open
Amylase pack
- Removed Kourend Favor from music cape requirement
- Make Amascut's Remnant Grandmaster CA claimable with /ca claim based off your cl having Cursed phalanx.
- Added a Lamp and Openable bank filter
- Improved text in woodcutting trip message
- You can now cannon Jogres (for champion scrolls)
- Removed
/activities champions_challenge
/activities other activity:Champions Challenge
- Added
Fancier boots
- Added a way to reclaim boots if lost (by running the command again):
/activities other:Stronghold of Security
- Fixed
Chambers of Xeric: Fake Massing
You can now do 'fake masses' of CoX, so you can mass CoX without needing other real players to join your party, which is what Nex/ToB also allow. It acts as a normal mass but checks your minion for kc and boosts. You can specify the number of fake users with the 'max_team_size' option (2 - 15).
/raid cox start type:fakemass
Chambers of Xeric: Balancing
- Updated various aspects of CoX to closer match ingame times and boosts.
- Updated CA speed tasks to use actual trip duration
- Updated bis melee, range, mage gear (this affects gearscore)
- Updated item boosts
- Added scythe boost + charge usage
- Added a new command
/raid cox itemboosts
- Added ammo usage
Agility Arena
- Added
Brimhaven voucher
- Added quantity to agility arena trips
- Removed old xp code and replace with static ticket value
- Removed recolor command, and added graceful to the shop command
- Nechryael tasks assigned by Krystilia are now being extended properly
- Buffed Crystal shard droprates to match OSRS update

- Improved appearance of tabs in the wiki sidebar