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Generally only changes that are specific to BSO are included here, for a full list of OSB changes see the OSB Changelog.


We now have a new wiki at, and the BSO Wiki is now combined together with the OSB wiki. Many pages are out of date, I'm trying to update pages when I have time. Currently, the only way to contribute to the new wiki is by editing files in this folder on github.


  • PMBs now automatically have new pets added
  • Allow multiple colosseum attempts per trip
  • Add boosts for BSO items to colosseum
  • Fixed requirements for Music cape(t)
  • Make spooky graceful dc and remove it from the graceful cl
  • Remove
    Partyhat set

    Partyhat set

    Partyhat & specs

    Partyhat & specs

    from the creatables CL to the christmas cracker CL
  • Updated muspah gear for bso, adding a boost for void staff, hellfire bow, gorajan, etc.
  • Fixed the
    Tidal collector (i)

    Tidal collector (i)

    , which now requires 5x Blessed dizana's quiver to create.